
The SCCA continues to work to achieve the removal of regulation of trading hours by state governments. We believe that consumer choice, not government regulation, should govern when shops are allowed to open.


There is no contemporary justification for intervention by governments in relation to the times when a retailer can operate. The social and cultural institutions that historically underpinned a restrictive policy, not only for retail shops, but also for hotels, clubs and most other economic activities, are no longer meaningful for most people in today’s society. Modern society requires flexibility and choice. Historical restrictions on other economic and social activities have been lifted and there is no justification for these remaining on retailing and shopping.

The Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory do not regulate trading hours. The States vary in their restrictions, ranging from almost total deregulation in Victoria and Tasmania (where restricted trading days are limited to Good Friday, Christmas Day and the morning of Anzac Day) through to the highly regulated South Australia, which still limits trading hours on Sundays and prohibits trading on public holidays in most places.

Recent Submissions:

Please contact us on scca@scca.org.au if you would like a copy of any recent submissions.