Retail Tenancy

…(Code of Practice for Retail Tenancies) Regulations (Tasmania); Retail and Commercial Leases Act (South Australia); Commercial Tenancy (Retail Shops) Agreements Act (Western Australia); Business Tenancies (Fair Dealings) Act (Northern Territory). This legislation is reviewed by governments on a regular basis and the SCCA takes a leading role in protecting the interests of owners and managers during such reviews. This does not mean we oppose all me…

Energy Policy & Sustainability

…SCCA opposes the translation of regulation which currently applies to the commercial office sector (i.e. Commercial Building Disclosure) to shopping centres. Shopping centres operate differently to commercial offices due to the highly regulated landlord-tenant relationship and a scheme cannot be translated in a ‘like for like’ fashion. We support the continued, voluntary use of sustainability measures, including the NABERS for Shopping Centres to…

Frank Lowy Fellowship

…esearch (not exhaustive). The nominee’s employer need not be an Australian company or a member company of the Shopping Centre Council of Australia (SCCA). Nominees from previous years are welcome to re-nominate provided their stated achievements meet the nomination criteria. Nominees require the support of their employer (of appropriate seniority e.g. Executive level). Former Fellowship recipients are precluded from nominating. Prize The Fellowshi…

Media Statements

…f Australia Awards supports Vinnies Kitchen, 28 February Peak retail crime committee welcomes WA Premier’s tougher penalties for offenders, 22 February 2024 a key year for further retail crime collaboration, 21 February 2023 New shopping centre tax database shows increased gouging, 13 December 2023 Frank Lowy Fellow announced, 17 November Workers, retailers and retail property owners unite to combat rising violence against workers and retail crime…


…28 members and includes Australia’s 20 largest shopping centre owners and one independent shopping centre manager, covering ASX-listed companies, funds and family-owned companies….

About Us

…s and the Casual Mall Licensing Code which is authorised by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) By representing our members we are also representing the interests of around 15.6 million Australians who are saving for, or living out, their retirement by investments in retail property through their superannuation funds, life insurance, shareholdings or in managed funds, real estate investment trusts and syndicates. Our members…

Land Valuation & Taxation

…ation. Background: Increasingly state and local governments are relying on commercial property as a major source of revenue, particularly through land tax and council rates. Local councils are also actively discriminating against shopping centres through ‘minimum rating’ measures, which have no relation to land value, and ‘differential rating’ measures, whereby shopping centres pay higher rates, even though these centres often directly fund many o…

Planning & Development

…for all retail investments which ensures that no retail format receives a competitive advantage over another. Background: Planning laws dictate where retail development can and cannot occur, just as they dictate where office, industrial, or residential development can occur. This is done in the public interest to ensure sensible and sustainable urban development and the maximisation of Government’s investment in infrastrture, including road and p…

Industry Data

…e: Sales Reporting Guidelines The Shopping Centre Council of Australia has commissioned several research documents on the shopping centre industry in Australia. This includes: Australia in the Global Shopping Centre Industry – December 2018 S hopping Centre Industry Statistics – August 2015 The independent industry magazine SCN (Shopping Centre News), which is published five times a year, includes annual information on centre moving an…